Monthly Archives: December 2012

Windows 8, A new Direction

A lot has been said about Microsoft’s new OS. Some are good, some are bad and some are just incorrect. Whatever your opinion is one thing is for definite, this version of windows represents a new direction at Microsoft.

I have been using W8 since I received my Microsoft Surface on 10/26/08. I had no previous experience with the OS until then. The OS is a big departure from the original windows experience.  It is very colorful, very fast and very touch friendly.

For many PC users, the transition from one version of windows to another is a painless experience. Microsoft always made sure that the core UI never changed. With windows 8 Microsoft threw all caution to the wind and the result is good, but not great.

The first thing to notice on the new Windows 8 is literally how different it is, if it wasn’t the windows logo during the boot sequence you would never guess it was an Windows.

Screenshot (1)


The main windows screen is covered in Tiles. These tiles display updated information (email headers will show on the email tile for example) and they vary in size and color and most of them have adjustable sizes. The OS is responsive and fast. After upgrading my Dell Adamo my computer jumped from a 90s cold boot to 20s.

With this new OS, it is clear that microsoft is trying to bridge the gap between tablets and PCs. The windows 8 new desktop is clearly made for touch screens. The new interface in a regular laptop (no touch screen) is usable but not optimal. There are multitouch mouse pads out there that support the same controls as the touch screen but is just not the same.

Microsoft also included access to a regular desktop in windows 8, they removed the start button but getting use to this is not difficult.

Screenshot (12)

Sharing and searching are also a breeze in windows 8. all you really have to do is bring up the “charms” bar from the right and choose between search, sharing, devices or settings.

Screenshot (13)


This new Windows is fairly easy to use but it does have a learning curve. It is almost like getting use to OSX when you worked your whole life with a PC.

The new OS from Microsoft is  far from the PC ending, 7 headed Beast that some writers have been portraying. In my opinion is exactly the opposite, it is new, intuitive and a step in the right direction. The whole idea behind the windows 8 is to bridge the gap between the PC and Mobile markets, the last being a market Microsoft have been under performing.

The windows 8 still lacking in some aspects, I find the RT version a bit unstable, but for the most part it is a solid OS. If you are looking for a easy to use OS with strong touch screen support you need to look no further than the Windows 8.