Category Archives: Surface Pro

Give Microsoft a Break!!!

Why are people so hell-bent in dissing Microsoft? The company is pushing out New Hardware, a completely redesigned OS and a Phone OS that have been winning awards all over the world. But, for some reason, people don’t seem to accept them. No matter what Microsoft does it seems like nothing is good enough.

The surface RT wasn’t good enough because of its inability to run x86 and lack of Apps. And even  though it can run more than one app at the time and connect to removable media thru USB or a Memory card people still can’t see how great the device is.

Once the Surface Pro was release, the issue changed to Battery life an SSD space. The Surface pro is a Laptop in a tablet format but Tech writers would compare it to a tablet in matters of battery life and to full size laptops when it came to SSD space.

On the mobile Phone side of the story Microsoft and Nokia came together and created a brand new Phone with more tech crammed into it that any other phone in the market.  It has a fast, responsible, easy to use OS, a high pixel density screen, 32GB of memory, literally the best camera in the market, wireless charging, 1GB of ram, it works all over the World and it has a sturdy body that makes a case almost unnecessary. A phone like that can please everyone right??? Off course not, the phone is too heavy…. Are you kidding me!!!!???

During the same time that Microsoft put out all of that, not to mention a new OS that will pave a road for the future, Apple and Google have been recycling the same hardware and OS over and over again. Seriously, Apple has not developed anything new since the Ipad and the Google’s Android is such a mess it’s just now becoming usable.

I know the Surface RT and pro, as well as the Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 are not perfect, but they represent Microsoft’s willingness to reinvent themselves. To be bold and innovative with a vision for the future that doesn’t only represent the interest of share holders but also a passion for technology and respect for its costumers.

Microsoft Surface Pro reviews!!!

Surface Pro

Gizmodo Review: Too much Future?

Slashgear Review: Is this the tablet you should have in your bag?

BGR Review: This is a declaration of war!

Stop comparing The Surface Pro to the iPad


Surface Pro


The Surface pro (the new Microsoft Tablet hybrid) will be available for purchase in just a few days and it seems like the internet trolls have already found something else to hate about it.

It is well known that the windows 8 OS takes up quite a bit of space, that information have been available since the Surface RT came out and it wasn’t very well received back then either. That “problem” still present on the Surface Pro and is bigger than ever. But, lets start from the beginning. What is the Microsoft Surface Pro? The pro is, in very simple terms, a extremely portable touch screen laptop shaped like a tablet.

Contrary of its RT counterpart the Surface pro uses a nothing left behind, full version of Windows 8. There is virtually no substantial difference between a retail version of Win8 and the one that will come installed on the device. Sadly, people don’t seem to get it or they choose to ignore that fact and keep comparing the Pro to the Ipad or an similar android tablet.

When the Surface RT was launched the comparisons between the it and iPad were inevitably and to be perfectly honest somewhat appropriate. The RT, which I love, is a tablet, It uses a mobile processor, it has very limited flash support and it is restricted to running Microsoft approved apps from the Microsoft store, just like the iPad and the app store. If you don’t take in consideration some major hardware differences (the hdmi and USB ports, and the memory card slot) the they are very close cousins.

The surface pro however, is more like a ultrabook than a tablet, so it stands to reason that when comparing it to anything it should compared to other ultra portables with at least similar specs, and when you do you will see that this storage loss is not limited to the Surface pro but all win8 devices.

The Surface pro is not for everyone, so before buying (or even comparing it to anything else) ask what you want out of your device, do you need a complex file system and expandable memory? Do you need to run native windows software? Do you want a touch screen and a portable frame? If you answer yes to any of those questions you know that the neither the iPad or the Surface RT would be enough.

The bottom line is that the Surface Pro is much more than a Tablet as we know it, it is a re-imagination of the old tablet PCS and comparing it to the Galaxy tab or the iPad would be like comparing a fishing boat to a jet sky, sure, both go in the water, both are fun and I guess you could  go fishing out of a jet sky, but if you really want to catch a fish you need a fishing boat!